Situated beyond the easternmost point of Hadrian's Wall, Arbeia Roman Fort stood guard at the mouth of the River Tyne. Built in AD 160s, the stone fort at
South Shields played an essential role in the mighty frontier system which stretched across the width of the country, marking the northern boundaries of the Roman Empire.Occupied for almost 300 years, the fort controlled the main port of entry to the Roman Empire in Britain. Originally built to house a garrison, Arbeia soon became the military supply base for the forts along the wall.
Experience History
Over 1500 years on, the remains at Arbeia represent the most extensively excavated example of a military supply base anywhere in the Roman Empire. Now experience what Roman life was like at one of Britain's most important archaeological sites. Walk around excavated remains of the fort's granaries, barracks and commander's headquarters. See the reconstruction of the fort's West Gate and marvel at the scale and magnificence of Roman architecture. Inside the gateway learn more about the history of the site from the Stone Age to the Roman occupation through to the present day.
The Ways of Life
Visit the museum and find out more about the people who lived and died at the Fort, through the many archaeological finds from the site.
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