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RSPB Titchwell Marsh Nature Reserve

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Titchwell Marsh is, not surprisingly, one of The RSPB's most popular reserves from sandy beaches to lagoons and reedbeds - it's all here! See the magnificent Marsh Harriers soar overhead! Something for everyone. Don't miss our Guided Walks!

The New Age Of Wildlife Watching

One of the best places to go and experience wildlife on the Norfolk Coast has just got a whole lot better!

Come and experience birds and wildlife at its best - look out from our wonderful new Parrinder Hide - just opened - Christmas 2010!

There is masses going on here and it's here to be enjoyed by everyone - from the experienced birdwatcher to families giving their young a first taste of nature.

Come along and enjoy our

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guided walks, camera workshops and more - Just click on the link (above) and go straight to the RSPB Titchwell Website. Don't miss out!!!

The Guided Walks must be booked by calling 01485 210779. Please mention About Britain when booking from this announcement.

Parrinder Hide

The RSPB Titchwell Marsh Nature Reserve on the north Norfolk coast - look out for the brown tourist sign on the A149 coast road - has seen some major changes in the last 12 months.

The latest phase of the project to protect the reserve against coastal erosion has certainly exceeded all expectations.

With funding from a European Partnership project called 'Climate Proof Areas', a new state-of-the-art wildlife watching area, Parrinder Hide, has been created

RSPB Titchwell Marsh Nature Reserve is open every day with friendly staff and volunteers around to help families explore, birdwatchers spot the species and nature lovers indulge in beautiful surroundings.

For information about events and opening times call 01485 210779.

See our Events Programme by following the link above.

  • Guided Walks

  • Late Winter Birds

  • Early Spring Migration

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  • The Coastal Project Walk
    This one's Free! The Nature Trail is open every single day!

    We have something for everyone, from beginners to seasoned birdwatchers on the lookout for a rarity. Children love it too!

    There are several Bird Hides, including the fantastic and brand new Parrinder Hide - see picture, with experts on hand to guide and advise you and exciting trails to follow.

  • Blow away any winter blues and beachcomb our fabulous shoreline

  • Warm up with a delicious meal, or a snack, from the "Feeding Station" café

  • In winter enjoy "up close and personal" views of hundreds of ducks and geese from our new Island Hide and with expert advice on hand.

  • Marvel at the big skies, stunning landscapes and wonderful range of wildlife. Click on the website (link above) to see more.

    Thousands of migrating birds pass through Titchwell in spring and autumn, and many spend winter here, giving you an unrivalled opportunity to see many species of ducks, waders, seabirds and geese.

    Bird photographs courtesy of Andy Thompson

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5 miles East of Hunstatonon the a149 coast road.

Look out for the Browb Tourist Sign.

Sat Nav: PE31 8BB.

On the Coast Hopper bus route (stops at Reserve entrance) from Kings Lynn or Cromer.

For more information on public transport, call traveline +44 (0)8706 082 608

RSPB Titchwell Marsh Nature Reserve Postcode for SatNav: PE31 8BB


+44 (0)1485 210 779

Main Road
Kings Lynn
PE31 8BB

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