Things to do in Blakeney, Norfolk

If you're planning a visit to Norfolk, then a boat trip to Blakeney Point is a must.
The sand and shingle spit of land sticks out like a finger from the main coastline.
It is a paradise for wildlife and is owned and managed by the National Trust.
From the time you board your small boat during high tide at Morston Quay or Blakeney Point to the time of your return, there are so many wonderful things to see.
Starting out along the estuary, there are lots of small boats and picturesque views to take in.
As the Point comes into view, you begin to see some of the wildlife Blakeney Point is noted for, especially the terns who regularly breed there.
Further along, common and grey seals can be seen hauled out on the big sandy beaches.
They can also be seen torpedoing along under the water and around the boats.
It is a sight not to be missed and leaves a lasting memory for all who go there.
Description by Margaret Marchant
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