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Merchant Adventurers' Hall

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North Yorkshire

The Merchant Adventurers' Hall is one of York's medieval marvels. Set in beautiful gardens in the heart of historical York, it is open for public use as a fully functioning museum, wedding and hospitality venue and meeting place some 650 years after construction began in 1357. This stunning timber framed building was constructed by a fraternity made up of York citizens to provide a base for charity, worship and business in the centre of the city of the city on the banks of the River Foss. today, as well as being a fascinating accredited museum it is also a scheduled ancient monument and Grade 1 listed building.

There have been many additions and changes to the Hall over the years, but the main functions of business and charity remain the same today. There are three main rooms in the Hall. The Great Hall is where the Medieval merchants first gathered to conduct their business and to socialise. The Undercroft used as an almshouse to help the sick and the poor until as late as 1900. The Chapel offering spiritual care to the merchants and the inmates of the almshouse.

The Merchant Adventurers' Hall is home to many remarkable collections. Including silver, furniture and paintings, which provide a glimpse into the rich history of the Hall and the people associated with it. A portrait of a Queen sits next to one of a Lord Mayor whilst a Medieval 'Evidence Chest' is older than the Hall itself.

The Hall also remains the everyday base for the 160 members of the Company of Merchant Adventurers of the City of York. A Merchant Adventurer was someone who risked or 'adventured' his or her own money in overseas trade bringing back goods and wealth to York. They invite you to discover the secrets of this unique guild hall and its 650 years of history.

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Situated in the centre of York between Piccadilly and Fossgate with fully accessible entrance from Fossgate.

Merchant Adventurers' Hall Postcode for SatNav: YO1 9XD


+44 (0)1904 654 818
+44 (0)1904 616 150

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