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Falkland Palace

KY15 7BU

The Royal Palace of Falkland, set in the heart of a unique medieval village, was the country residence and hunting lodge of eight Stuart monarchs, including Mary Queen of Scots.

Built between 1501 and 1541, the palace is an extremely fine example of Renaissance architecture. It includes the exceptionally beautiful Chapel Royal, and is surrounded by internationally renowned gardens, built in the 1950's. The Royal Tennis Court, reputedly the world's oldest, is still in use today.

Additional Information:

  • Shop and an exhibition in the Town Hall
  • Guidebook in French and German, explanatory text in Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Swedish
  • Garden wheelchairs available, ramp to garden
  • Audio tour, scented garden
  • Parking
  • Events

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  • Directions

    A912, 11 miles north of Kirkcaldy, 10 miles from M90, junction 8.

    Falkland Palace Postcode for SatNav: KY15 7BU


    +44 (0)1337 857 397

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