Things to do in Alford, Lincolnshire

Alford is a pleasant market town situated on the eastern edge of the Wolds. A mixture of Georgian and Victorian buildings faces Alford's marketplaces.
St.Wilfred - standing on the site of a Norman church, St. Wilfred's dates back to the 14th century, it was enlarged and restored by Sir Gilbert Scott in 1869.
Manor House Museum - originally an 'L' shaped timber framed thatched house, built in1540, the present 'H' shaped having been enlarged in 1661. The Museum houses the tourist information centre and local History Museum.
At Alford you can see a Five Sailed, six-storey mill built in 1813, the mill has been carefully restored and is in full working order, all flour is organic.
Claythorpe Watermill and Wildfowl Gardens, Aby, near Alford - a beautiful 18th century Watermill and Wildfowl Gardens, in idyllic riverside setting. Its grounds are full of ornamental waterfowl, ducks, geese, swans and many other breeds.
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