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Glynn Vivian Art Gallery

The Glynn Vivian Art Gallery was founded in 1911 as a purpose built civic art gallery through the benefaction of Richard Glynn Vivian, fourth son of the copper industrialist family. He was an inveterate traveller and art collector whose wish to pass on his love of art has been realised through the Gallery's continuing collecting and extensive activities over the past 93 years.The collections include internationally renowned holdings of Swansea and Nantgarw pottery and porcelain, other British, European and Oriental wares and a growing representation of 20th century fine art by Welsh and Welsh-based artist e.g. Ceri Richards, Augustus and Gwen John, Joseph Herman, Evan Walters and Alfred Janes. There are also works by British and European artists e.g. Gustave Dore, Epstein, Hepworth, Nicholson, Nash, Gertler and Spencer. These are housed in the handsome classic Italian-style gallery building, complemented by the Contemporary Art programme in the Modern wing.The Gallery's innovative year-round exhibition, community arts and education programmes have gained award-winning recognition. Major touring shows and a variety of gallery-oriented projects are grant aided under the Arts Council of Wales regional developmental scheme.

General Information:

Ramped access to ground floor; upper floor limited access; accessibletoilets; main entrance intercom with tactile/bralle sign>
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  • Directions

    Glynn Vivian Art Gallery Postcode for SatNav: SA1 5DZ


    +44 (0)1792 516 900
    +44 (0)1792516 903.

    Alexandra Road
    South Wales
    SA1 5DZ

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