Things to do in Rankinston, Ayrshire

Welcome to Rankinston, Small Village Big Heart.
Rankinston village is situated on the B730, approximately 12 miles south east of the town of Ayr. Rankinston commands a panoramic view of over 20 miles north looking over the towns of Ayr, Prestwick, Troon, and much further on a clear day.
Rankinston predates the 1700s but the village today was built to allow the coal miners that worked in the local pits to have housing close to their work. The original village, whose remains can be seen in fields to the south, were miners' rows built by the pit owners, very basic dwellings comprising of one room and outside toilet, sometimes up to 11 members of the same family would live in this one room. During the 1920s the local council built housing of much higher standard, still standing today.
Over the years the village has gone from a farming hamlet in the 1700s to a bustling mining village with over 800 inhabitants in 1900 to a rural outpost of aprox 400 inhabitants to date. The recent decline in population was due to the closure of Littlemill pit in 1974.
Rankinston is unique in Ayrshire due to its altitude and easy access to diverse wildlife and fabulous walks through mature forestry. The community association are actively working on the regeneration of the village, and feel there will be significant changes during the coming years.
Just now the village has a shop and post office which caters for most of the villagers needs, it also has a Community Centre that is run by the local Council (East Ayrshire), but managed by the local members of the village. The community centre has a busy calendar and is a hub for the small village. There is a doctors clinic which is run by the local health board, as well as a regular well used bus link to Ayr and Cumnock. Littlemill primary School is at the north of Rankinston.
The village is a gem within the Doon Valley, the views from the south are stunning, and can not be matched. The walks are great for all ages and abilities
Our new community web site lets friends old and new keep in touch and share news, photos and events. Members can post messages or photos and keep an eye out for upcoming events; anyone can become a member.
Rankinston is a great diversion whilst travelling through the Doon Valley. Highly Recommended.
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